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November 18

This morning there was a debate at our breakfast table.  The question concerned why we call this Autumn when it's 8 degrees outside, with a windchill of -2 degrees!  I agree with my five-year old that it has certainly felt more like Winter than Autumn these last few days.

"Winter" arrived on our farm at about 4:20 pm last Monday.  My husband and I were working outside, getting the animals ready for the cold weather that had been forecast.  It was calm, quiet, and about 70 degrees.  As weird as it seems, we actually heard the weather change coming.  It came with the wind.  One minute it was quiet.  The next minute we heard a roar, as if a large vehicle was coming up the road.  The minute after that the wind hit and within an hour the temperature had dropped by 16 degrees.

It's amazing what you can hear in nature, if you only take the time to be quiet and listen.

About me:

My name is Theresa, aka "Tree" to some longtime friends and a few relatives.

I'm a (mostly) stay-at-home-mom of two.  My passions include my family, my faith, and living in a simple manner that respects the blessings we have been given.

Entering the Quiet Time

The thing I like the least about this time of the year is that it is too difficult to play in the dirt when the temperature is below freezing.  And playing in the dirt is definitely my favorite thing to do.  So now I have to begin to find things to do inside the house.

To be sure, there are plenty of things to do.  With Thanksgiving just a little over a week away, and Advent and Christmas coming close behind it, I have begun replenishing my supply of handmade gifts.  In between knitting mittens and dishcloths, making Barbie doll clothes, and sewing pajama pants, I have also been making rosaries.  Currently, I have been working on rosaries for my son and some of his friends, who will be confirmed this week.  It is rather hard on my fingers, since I sometimes forget to pull the wire with the pliers and use my fingers instead!  But I love doing this and find the results both beautiful and spiritually fulfilling.  

I find that I spend a lot of time listening.  Listening to the wind.  Listening to the freight trains six miles away.  Listening to the chickens squawking, or the cats meowing, or the dog barking.  There is always something going on and nature is rarely truly silent.

The biggest problem with humans is that we are also rarely silent.  Even when we're alone, almost every one of us has to have some noise.  Maybe it's because we don't like listening to our own thoughts, so we turn up the music, or the television, or the radio, just to drown out what we would otherwise be thinking about.

I frequently hear the students in my religion class say that God never speaks to them.  When this happens, I tell them that he is probably already talking to them.  They just need to take the time to listen.  I advise them to take some time each day to sit quietly, to be quiet themselves, and to surround themselves with quiet.  Then I believe they will hear the quiet voice of God.  They almost always respond with incredulity.  The mere idea of willingly sitting quietly in quiet is foreign to them.

If we want to hear God, we must first be quiet ourselves.

Site Copyright 2014 T.L. Root